Ralph Riedel

My personal story

At the age of 15, I experienced the fragility of life firsthand when my stepfather took his own life. This tragic event led me to question what truly matters in life beyond professional success and material accumulation. 

At that time, I didn't have the answer.

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Ralph Riedel

It was a difficult time because no one could really understand me. During this period, sports played a very important role for me; it was both a vent and a new "surrogate family" that helped me continue my path.

After school, I decided to pursue an apprenticeship and then focused on my career. I took the logical path that seemed to offer the most advantages to make the best out of my life.

Everything seemed to be going well, but when I reached the pinnacle of my career, working as a sales manager, I realized that this couldn't be my life's goal.

During this time, I sought out various teachers from different cultures (Asia, Europe, North and South America) to heal myself, gain new knowledge, and delve deeper into my true self. They taught me through profound experiences, such as the Vision Quest in Canada or leading and healing people as a Medicine Bundle Carrier.

I have been working with this knowledge for more than 16 years and have perfected my holistic concept over the years to help people who want to change their lives and are often in crisis. Since 2012, I have been offering spiritual journeys to Peru, leading deep into the Amazon jungle, and guiding mountain expeditions at an altitude of 4600 meters.

Ralph Riedel Mentor
Schamane Ralph Riedel
Schamanische Schwarzuß-Tradition
Ralph Riedel lehrt seine schamanischen Weißheiten

Shaman - Mentor - Spiritual teacher

Ralph Riedel - Schamanisches Training

I am Ralph,

a trained shaman in two traditions (Blackfoot/Canada and the Andean tradition/Peru), a Qi-Gong teacher, meditation instructor, hypnotist, and trained in spiritual psychology.

My goal is to help you tap into your full potential and live a more fulfilled life through the healing teachings of shamanism!

The fact that I am now a shaman and energetic healer who guides you on your fulfilled path or trains you as a healer is due to a long personal journey with many ups and downs. Did you know that I had a commercial apprenticeship and then worked as a deputy sales manager?

Until the day came when a major crisis hit... Diagnosis: burnout, headaches for several months, and everything that comes with it. I had to make a decision and change my life quickly!

This led to my resignation, and I decided to become a Kung Fu teacher and pursue the spiritual path to myself. And that was just the beginning of my new life.

2001 - 2006: 

  • Chi Gong/Qi Gong and Shaolin Kung-Fu Teacher (2001 - 2005)
  • Began energy work, starting with Qi Gong
  • Initiation into working with Archangels (2004)
  • Hermetic training (2001 - 2003)
  • Deepening the teachings of masters (Aivanhov, Daskalos, Yogananda)
  • Hypnotist (Terramedus) (2004 - 2006)
  • Relaxation educator (BTB)

2005 - 2019

  • Shamanic Training - White Sage School (2005 - 2007)
  • Multiple trips to Peru to walk the traditional pilgrimage paths of the shamans with masters Don Americo, Don Modesto, and Don Toribio (2007 - 2018)
  • Shamanic Training - Elisabeth Jenkins - Andean Shamanism (2007)
  • Shamanic Training - Marv Harwood (Alberta, Canada) in the tradition of the Blackfoot Indians (2008 - 2010)
  • Shamanic Teacher from 2008 - 2019

2019 sine today

  • Shamanic Mentor since 2019 (online)
  • Relocated to Cornwall in September 2019
  • Spent 3 weeks with Shipibo shamans (Amazon) in 2022
  • Returned to Germany in January 2023
  • Established contacts with Yawanawas and Huni Kuins (Brazil)
  • Shaman and healer since 2006

As you can see, my transformation from a merchant to a shaman and healer was possible! The journey was long and not easy.

However, I succeeded! With my teachers and masters by my side, I always had the support I needed. They helped me find my path to my spiritual self and a fulfilled life.

Are you ready to write your own story?

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Shamanic Self-Healing Course

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  • Become one with nature
  • Discover your true self


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